中图分类号:R737.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-4571(2000)06-0617-02
Biopsy Gun For Early Diagnosis on Breast dieases
ZHANG Gui-de,SONG Xi-jiang,LI Bin-hui.
(Tianjing Bohai Oil Hospital,Tanggu 300452)
【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the economical,practical and effective early diagnostic method on breast dieases.Methods:Fifty-six cases of breast mass were sampled by the biopsy gun,and the samples were examined pathologically,and compared with pathological results of postoperative samples.Results:The diagnostic accuracy of biopsy with gun is 100%(16/16)for breast cancer,and 97.5%(39/40)for common benign breast disease.The total accuracy was up to 98.2%(55/56).Conclusions:The biopsy gun operates simply and is easy to grasp with high accuracy,especially for early diagnosis on breast canaer.
【Key words】 breast dieases;diagnosis;biopsy gun
我院1997年2月~1999年11月对乳腺肿块采用自动活检装置取材病理检查 56 例。通过对活检结果进行分析,就活检枪在早期诊断乳腺疾病的应用作一总结。
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料
本组病例年龄 14~72岁。单侧肿物 47 例,双侧 9 例。肿块最大径0.5~5.0 cm,平均2.1 cm。
1.2 方法
选用美国产 PRO-MAG2.2活检枪(图1)。局部消毒麻醉后,斜行方向进 18 G 固定针到达肿物表面,左手固定肿物,预测距离,右手按压扳机。切除的条状组织甲醛固定后送病理检查。局部纱布覆盖并加压。
图1 PRO-MAG2.2 活检枪
1.3 结果
全组 56 例乳腺肿物,术前病检乳腺纤维腺瘤 22 例,乳腺增生症 18 例,乳腺癌 16 例。16 例乳腺癌中单纯癌 8 例,髓样癌 5 例,炎性癌 1 例,硬癌 1 例,浸润性导管癌 1 例 。诊断为癌的 16 例行乳腺癌根治术,术后病理组织切片全部证实为癌,手术前后病理类型除 1 例外其余均相同。余 40 例病检为良性病变,31 例行局部切除(其中术前诊断为纤维腺瘤 20 例,乳腺增生 11 例),术后 18 例为乳腺腺瘤, 12 例为乳腺增生类病及腺病,1 例脂肪坏死。