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2015-03-25 08:43 来源: 互联网 作者:张龙彦 柏梅 浏览次数 5325

  And post o'er land and ocean without rest; (d) 
  They also serve who only stand and wait." (e) 
  Sonnet 18 can also be divided into four parts and its rhyme scheme is a b a b, c d c d, e f e f, g g. in this kind of rhyme scheme the rhyme is better than that in the Petrarchan sonnet provides readers with the beauty of rhyme and rhythm. The structural division of this sonnet is in accordance with changes of the emotion. The first four lines is "the opening ". The poet establishes an question “shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” and then overthrow it with “Thou art more lovely and more temperate”; In following four lines, the poet moves on to the destructive power of time or fate, claiming that time is fleeting and youth is short; in the third quatrain, poet return to the listener in spite of the impermanence of the nature, the beauty of the listener will not fade. In the final couplet the poet give the reason that the listener can depend on the verse of the poet and his beauty will never fade. Thus the theme that poetry is eternal is highlighted. 
  In Milton’s sonnet, it can be seen clearly that the conception can be divided in to three parts. They are the first quatrain, the second quatrain and the sestet. In the first quatrain, the speaker portrays his concern that he is going blind and worries that his “one talent,” his writing, may suffer. In the second quatrain, the speaker dramatizes his challenge by humbly querying, "Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?" He wants to ask such a question, but he knows it would sound impertinent, so he soon finds his patience, which prevents him from asking it so blatantly. In the sestet the speaker avers that those who are capable of bending to God’s will are also capable of “serv[ing] him best. Although this is also a good poem, in term of form, this poem is not so perfect. In the first quatrain, the speaker is tortured by his bind and wants to ask why and how. In the second, he gradually finds the answer that even he is blind, he is also serving God. Then in the sestet he continues to distill the theme to a higher level and continue to comfort and encourage himself. The separation and development of the emotion is not so perfect. 
  Part III Conclusion 
  In the history of western poetry, there are various forms of sonnet. According to Chinese critic Wang Guowei, there will exist a specific type of literature for every period of time(Teng Xianhui, 2007: 79). In other words, every kind of poem has its specialty and its popular time. However, in a better poem the form, the meaning and the rhyme must complement one another. In most of his works, Shakespeare has achieved this point. 
  Works Cited 
  1.Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare’s Sonnets[M ]. Trans. Li Mingqiang. Kunming: U of Yunnan P, 2008. 
  2.冯至. 《我和十四行诗的因缘》[J ] , 《世界文学》 , 1989年第 1 期。 
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