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2014-10-23 10:17 来源: 互联网 作者:张宏伟 浏览次数 7064

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  (责任编辑 文 哿) 
  On the Practice and Institutionlization of Civil Servant Appointment System 
  Zhang Hongwei 
  [Abstract]The appointment system which plays an important role in Chinese civil service system is an important measure of deepening the reform of the cadre and personnel system. There are different interpretations on the civil servant appointment system in recent years. At the same time, the multiple confusions appear in the practices. In order to radically reform, its necessary to select the core elements by comparing with the patterns of personnel systems one by one which have been carried out by the Party and government offices since the reform and opening policy. Based on the practical analysis, the concept system and the institutional framework of the civil servant appointment system with Chinese characteristics will be built to provide reference for the regional practices. 
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